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伴侶浸漬失敗的男性可能需要向醫生進行血糖測試。 2018年10月發表在醫學雜誌BJU International上的研究發現男性不育與未診斷的糖尿病前體之間存在潛在的聯繫。<br />相關文章35歲及以上的男性和女性必須了解生育,不育和懷孕的知識<br />研究人員觀察了在未受保護的性行為12個月後未浸漬伴侶的男性在744名男性的橫斷面研究中,主要作者,醫學博士Luca Boeri和同事發現,有15.4%的人禁食和餐後血糖水平屬於糖尿病前期類別,空腹時介於100毫克每分升(mg / dl)至125 mg / dl之間,飲用75克葡萄糖或平均血糖讀數在兩小時後介於140至199 mg / dl之間至少為5.7%,稱為血紅蛋白A1C讀數。他們還報告在無保護的性交12個月後沒有懷孕。<br />相關文章疾馳調查發現美國18個州的糖尿病診斷率上升<br />糖尿病前期:對男性而言,含義是什麼糖尿病前期是一种血糖水平高於正常水平但不如1型或2型糖尿病分類的疾病。 [https://saveyoursite.win/story.php?title=%EF%BB%BF%E8%AE%80%E8%80%85%E8%AB%96%E5%A3%87-%E6%84%8F%E8%A6%8B-estadao#discuss https://saveyoursite.win/story.php?title=%EF%BB%BF%E8%AE%80%E8%80%85%E8%AB%96%E5%A3%87-%E6%84%8F%E8%A6%8B-estadao#discuss] 。體重減輕和生活方式的改變(例如增加運動和不同的營養選擇)可以幫助將血糖水平降低至非糖尿病範圍,即空腹時血糖低於100 mg / dl,飯後兩小時不高於126 mg / dl,根據美國糖尿病協會。<br />相關:您可能患有糖尿病,甚至不知道<br />糖尿病前期對男人的健康和生育至關重要。認真診斷糖尿病前期很重要。這是您可能患上2型糖尿病的警告信號。根據疾病預防控制中心的統計,符合以下任何一項標準的人更有可能患有糖尿病前期疾病:<br /><br /><br />*權衡您的身高的建議<br />*年齡在四十歲以上<br />*患有2型糖尿病的親戚<br />*每週鍛煉少於3次<br />*在懷孕前或分娩體重超過9磅的嬰兒中的妊娠糖尿病<br />*非裔美國人,西班牙裔/拉丁美洲裔,美洲原住民,太平洋島民和某些亞裔種族為了進一步了解您患上糖尿病前期生活的個人風險,請參加“我是否患有糖尿病”測驗?<br />如何幫助逆轉糖尿病和預防糖尿病對於患有糖尿病的人,建議您減少其當前體重的5%至7%,通過燒烤,烤,燒烤,蒸或烘烤而不是油炸來烹飪脂肪較少的食物,並堅持30分鐘每周至少五天運動。<br />糖尿病,精子健康和懷孕之間有什麼聯繫?“我們的研究並非旨在解釋糖尿病與精子損害之間的因果關係,但我們首次證明了糖尿病前狀態與荷爾蒙,代謝, Boeri博士說,他在米蘭San Raffaele醫院泌尿科的實驗腫瘤科和米蘭大學泌尿科工作。 “特別是,胰島素和葡萄糖代謝受損以及糖尿病前期典型的氧化應激已顯示可導致睾丸代謝改變。”<br />相關:了解男性高潮<br />誰患有糖尿病前期不育症?年齡較大,卵泡刺激素(FSH)水平異常,精子密度低,精子數量低以及精子活動不良等問題的發生率更高研究發現,更可能患有糖尿病。<br />相關文章:激素與健康:基本指南<br />何時進行生育檢查和醫療投入一個男人試圖與35歲或以上的伴侶懷孕超過六個月,或者與35歲以下的伴侶懷孕超過一年,應該與醫生討論有關禁食和餐後血糖水平的測試,以檢查糖尿病前是否可能是導致不育的潛在因素。<br /><br /><br />相關:為什麼醫生不與男孩和男人談論性<br /><br /><br />葡萄糖代謝測試是不育檢查的關鍵部分“ Boeri說:“我們的研究概述了在每次基本不育評估中葡萄糖代謝研究的重要性。糖尿病前期是普通人群和不育男性中常見但未被診斷的疾病。考慮到前驅糖尿病的臨床重要性,我們的發現是相關的,特別是對於前驅糖尿病對未來男性整體健康的有害影響以及在相對年輕的人們中儘早採取可能的對策。”<br />相關:過多的酒精可能會損害精子<br />糖尿病與男性不育之間聯繫的歷史未經治療,前驅糖尿病可能會成為2型糖尿病。 Boeri說, [https://2.gp/a7WaN 甩頭髮] ,以及其他問題,例如精子活力和濃度降低以及精液量減少。但是以前沒有研究過糖尿病和不孕症。他說:“糖尿病前期是一種常見的臨床病狀,但其與男性不育的關係尚未得到充分研究。”<br />相關文章PCOS如何導致不孕症以及可以增加懷孕機會的治療選擇<br /><br />
Solar Automobiles is useful to bill a motor vehicle battery however only how smoothly?<br /><br />Unlike traditional battery chargers, which has to get attached to power sockets, solar stoves work everywhere employing a transparent view of their heavens. However, would a [https://higginspope779.shutterfly.com/21 solar panel charger] genuinely send plenty of juice to restrain per battery life?<br /><br /><br /><br />Whilst solar chargers usually do work they have a few critical limits. They aren't anywhere near as successful as conventional vehicle battery chargers, which means that you should not hesitate you'll bill your battery lifetime as fast when you'll need the usual charger.<br /><br />Unlike traditional dishwashers with several amperage configurations, photovoltaic panel chargers normally place out a tiny number of the present. For this reason, they are more ideal for keeping up a fee compared to minding battery lifetime. You can utilize a solar auto battery charger because being a trickle charger, yet, you're getting to be left heating your insides in case your battery is entirely lifeless.<br /><br /><br /><br />Photovoltaic battery chargers perform exactly the occupation by changing power from sunlight into electric power which might be kept in battery life. That's done with a photovoltaic solar panel system, that's the identical common technology employed in home and industrial settings to furnish on site electricity.<br /><br /><br /><br />None the less, the solar panels utilized in solar panel chargers aren't any such thing in comparison to people people utilized in commercial or residential solar technologies. As the technician is strictly the very same, the panels found in solar auto battery chargers are generally only effective at setting out, in many, 1,500 mA. And because you can theoretically connect numerous chargers jointly, accomplishing this is harmful to people that aren't experienced in this particular tech.<br /><br /><br /><br />Even the amount of amperage an solar panel charger can deliver is influenced by several elements, by way of instance, build-quality and simply how much sun will undoubtedly be obtainable. Normally they set out one of 500 and 1,500 mA. This may be the reason solar chargers are usually more efficient compared to simply trickle chargers.<br /><br />Inch difficulty could be the fact that the majority of solar stoves usually do not feature a voltage regulator to alter or closed the stream of strength. This indicates you could not&quot;put it and just forget about this,&quot; because you had using a float-monitoring trickle charger.<br /><br />The most very optimal/optimal procedure to employ a solar panel is always to provide greater amperage in the beginning and ramp it down since the battery supplies the complete price. High quality flash-lights may handle accomplishing therefore mechanically, along with different chargers contain manual controllers that enable you to set a more&quot;path&quot; speed to start and additionally a&quot;fine&quot; rate to end.<br /><br />Similar to almost any solar panel, sunlight is very important. If you can afford is 500 mA over the muddy day at northern consent, then that's all you are going to get. They could be convenient in a pinch, but nevertheless, availability means you most likely cannot count on these.<br />

Revision as of 10:34, 22 December 2020

Solar Automobiles is useful to bill a motor vehicle battery however only how smoothly?

Unlike traditional battery chargers, which has to get attached to power sockets, solar stoves work everywhere employing a transparent view of their heavens. However, would a solar panel charger genuinely send plenty of juice to restrain per battery life?

Whilst solar chargers usually do work they have a few critical limits. They aren't anywhere near as successful as conventional vehicle battery chargers, which means that you should not hesitate you'll bill your battery lifetime as fast when you'll need the usual charger.

Unlike traditional dishwashers with several amperage configurations, photovoltaic panel chargers normally place out a tiny number of the present. For this reason, they are more ideal for keeping up a fee compared to minding battery lifetime. You can utilize a solar auto battery charger because being a trickle charger, yet, you're getting to be left heating your insides in case your battery is entirely lifeless.

Photovoltaic battery chargers perform exactly the occupation by changing power from sunlight into electric power which might be kept in battery life. That's done with a photovoltaic solar panel system, that's the identical common technology employed in home and industrial settings to furnish on site electricity.

None the less, the solar panels utilized in solar panel chargers aren't any such thing in comparison to people people utilized in commercial or residential solar technologies. As the technician is strictly the very same, the panels found in solar auto battery chargers are generally only effective at setting out, in many, 1,500 mA. And because you can theoretically connect numerous chargers jointly, accomplishing this is harmful to people that aren't experienced in this particular tech.

Even the amount of amperage an solar panel charger can deliver is influenced by several elements, by way of instance, build-quality and simply how much sun will undoubtedly be obtainable. Normally they set out one of 500 and 1,500 mA. This may be the reason solar chargers are usually more efficient compared to simply trickle chargers.

Inch difficulty could be the fact that the majority of solar stoves usually do not feature a voltage regulator to alter or closed the stream of strength. This indicates you could not"put it and just forget about this," because you had using a float-monitoring trickle charger.

The most very optimal/optimal procedure to employ a solar panel is always to provide greater amperage in the beginning and ramp it down since the battery supplies the complete price. High quality flash-lights may handle accomplishing therefore mechanically, along with different chargers contain manual controllers that enable you to set a more"path" speed to start and additionally a"fine" rate to end.

Similar to almost any solar panel, sunlight is very important. If you can afford is 500 mA over the muddy day at northern consent, then that's all you are going to get. They could be convenient in a pinch, but nevertheless, availability means you most likely cannot count on these.