How To Settle A Car Accident Without An Insurance Company

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If you have been in an accident and received injuries, you are probably wondering how to settle a car accident without an insurance company. The first thing you should do is call your insurance agent. Find out if your insurance company will cover all or part of the medical expenses you have incurred. If they won't, consider calling an attorney who can help you with getting the best compensation for your injuries. While you are contacting your insurance agent, you should also keep in mind the other persons involved in the accident and their insurance information as well.

As soon after the accident as possible, take pictures of the scene. This will make it easier for your insurance adjuster to figure out what happened. Even if there is only one injured person, get their name, address and phone number. Take a note of the police officers' names and badge numbers. This may come in handy during the claim process.

Keep records of any and all medical expenses, both your own and that of the other person involved. It may be helpful to keep a brief medical history of yourself, as well. It's also a good idea to keep copies of any prescriptions you took. Insureinfoq could come in handy when discussing compensation later on.

Next, contact a personal injury lawyer. Get referrals from friends or family. When you have settled on a lawyer, go ahead and interview him or her. Let them know exactly what happened in your accident and what you expect from the settlement.

Let your lawyer know if you intend to use your own insurance to pay for your injuries and any lost wages due to not being able to work. If you do not have insurance, there are usually companies willing to help you with a percentage of your medical expenses. However, they will not be able to provide any form of financial assistance if you do not have insurance, as that is typically how to settle a car accident without an insurance company.

You should plan on having to pay for any and all repair costs from your vehicle. Oftentimes, you can save money by repairing the damage yourself instead of taking it to a repair shop. Be sure to let your insurance company know if you intend to pursue that route. They may require you to have a portion of the cost of repairs done entirely on your behalf. If you are unsure how to settle a car accident without an insurance company, consider having a friend or family member to drive the car until the repairs are complete and you're back on the road.

Ask your insurance agent about the possibility of getting a rental vehicle while you wait your case through the appeals process. The alternative is to have a friend or family member to pick you up at the police station and take you to the hospital. It can be very unpleasant to be stuck in a car with an injured passenger for several hours, especially if it is nighttime. You can also learn how to settle a car accident without an insurance company by asking others for rides home until your paperwork is complete and sent to your office. This is especially helpful if you are worried about how to make those payments since you don't want to risk being in a position where you could have someone driving your car while you are waiting for your case to be resolved. Some people charge a small fee for this service.

When you learn how to settle a car accident without an insurance company, you should make sure you have the correct insurance documents on hand in case your car is damaged beyond repair. You will also need to have a list of all those who are coming to the scene to help you with the various responsibilities. In fact, this can include property owners, anyone operating a tow truck, emergency medical services, any witnesses to the car accident and the police. A few companies offer free consultation or money back as part of their services, so check them out before you settle the case. If you aren't comfortable with the lawyer or feel like you are waiving some of your rights, then you might consider working with a legal professional who can help you protect those rights.