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Search engine optimization, which is known within the digital marketing industry simply as SEO, is the best way to ensure that a website will rank well when users search for related keywords on Google or other search engines. The process of optimizing a website and its digital marketing for better results can be quite complex, so it's important that business owners hire a Sacramento SEO expert instead of attempting to undertake this kind of project alone.

When deciding how to invest money into optimizing a website, the best place to start is with a Free SEO audit. Read on to find out about what small business seo entails.

Determining Objectives

SEO is intended to be a means to an end, which is why it's important that business owners define their objectives prior to even getting started on a new campaign. These objectives should be as specific as possible and relevant to the company's long-term goals. If they aren't, they will need to be refined before the audit can begin in earnest.

Keyword Analysis

Determining what keywords internet users are most likely to search for requires targeted research. Just like the business's SEO objectives, the keywords chosen should be specific, measurable, attainable, and relevant.

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Analyzing the keywords and backlinks being used by competing companies can help business owners determine whether they are missing any valuable opportunities. This process should be used to check and validate the site's keyword selections.

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Using the right keywords isn't enough to ensure high search engine rankings. Websites must also be well-designed so that they will load quickly and will be usable on mobile devices. Any redirect issues, site index problems, site architecture issues, and duplicate contents should also be addressed at this time.

Page Level Analysis

Each keyword-targeted landing page should be optimized effectively, which means that the site needs both strong content and effective optimization. During this phase of the audit, each page on the website will be evaluated to determine whether it contains any duplicate material, whether its contents are relevant, and if the targeted keyword is being used appropriately.

Content Analysis

There are few websites that can't benefit from blog content, but this content must be original and relevant in order to be helpful. Blog posts should be engaging, accurate, and free of excessive ads, spelling and grammar issues, and broken links. Blog comments should also be moderated for maximum performance.

User Experience, Link, and Citation Analysis

The data collected during an audit can help site moderators understand the effectiveness of their links, citations, and other page contents and whether they are providing a good user experience. One of the benefits of SEO is that following best practices for search engine optimization will also lead to a more user-friendly site.